Monday, October 31, 2011


Monster Hands by Dan Witz, Greenpoint Brooklyn (January 11, 2011)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

New Paintings with Scientific Undertones - October 2011

Below are some new paintings I've been working on this month. They appear on scientific book pages that have been carefully chosen to relate to the subject matter. The topics range from human anatomy to physics. Sometimes, the text underneath lends itself to the title. These pieces (among others) can be found here. Enjoy!
Of Sound (left) and Lift (right)

Elements of the Ocean (left) and Spring Bud (right)

Vitamin Chart (left) and Candyland (right)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

I knew that Steve Jobs was sick for some time, but was still shocked to learn of his sudden passing yesterday. I had to think back about how he has influenced my life, and our lives as a whole. My workouts at the gym are no longer done in silence. I can easily tune out annoying people on my commute (or just about anywhere).

Memorial at Apple Store on Fifth Avenue, NYC

I also thought about how many Apple products I've owned over the years- easily five. My family had an Atari 800 at home. It was the greatest toy ever. I used it for some typing and school projects in grade school, but mostly for topping my own winning score at Pac Man and Centipede during my free time. It got a lot of use during the summer months.
My intro to the world of Mac came when I got to college. My roommate had the first model of the Apple personal computer - one of those small ones that regularly displayed a sad face when it died. I was jealous of that small machine on her desk, but personal computing was still somewhat foreign to me. When she wasn't staying up all night and procrastinating by playing Tetris, she was writing papers without ever having to leave our room, whenever she wanted. How cool. What a concept! I trekked to the campus computer center and signed in to use one of those glorified typewriters. Occasionally, I would send an electronic note to friends at other colleges through the intercollege network, then known as vax mail. It was all so primitive. Now, home computing is commonplace.

Arguably, the Leonardo da Vinci of our digital generation, we can never know how much he has influenced our lives even in the smallest of ways. We've come a long way since vax mail! Thanks, Steve. Thanks for 'thinking different'.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Walk Around the Neighborhood - Chelsea Market and Meatpacking District

Last week, I found myself in the Chelsea/Meatpacking area on official business: an outdoor walk in perfect weather, some window shopping, and the chance to meet a friend for a glass of wine and some lunch. The area was buzzing with people (the new norm), but the day also coincided with the annual Food and Wine Festival. Cooking demos, bloggers, and famous chefs were found in some of my favorite haunts. Giada and I literally bumped into each other on more than one occasion. New York is in a state of constant flux and change - even the High Line, the newest resident, is no exception.
Cow Coffee Klatch Mural, Chelsea Market (above) and (below) a sculpture
by KAWS under the High Line and the Standard Hotel.

More textures from the area- colorful windows in the High Line and a mod cement grid at the Standard Hotel (above). Below, the newly renovated location for what was one of the last official hold-outs, Florent.
The rooftop terrace that made a great backdrop for a glass of wine and artwork
in the staircase to the penthouse by Faile.